27 August, 2009

Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications

Dr. Rajagopal "Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications"
Information Science Reference | English | 2009-04-23 | ISBN: 1605662488 | 372 pages | PDF | 5,2 MB

Globalization has pushed the use of technology in business with advancing information and communication technology becoming a key factor in the future development of the retailing industry. Technology applications have significantly contributed to the exponential growth and profits of retailing institutions worldwide.

Information Communication Technologies and Globalization of Retailing Applications critically examines the synergy of technology use and conventional wisdom in retailing and explores contemporary changes determining higher customer value. Discussions in this book encompass strategy implications for managers to optimize their advantage in retailing through the application of ICT, bridging the customer-technology gap.

Table of Contents:
Chapter I: Understanding Retailing Concepts

Chapter II: Self Service Technologies in Retail Financial Sector

Chapter III: Customer Value and New Product Retailing Dynamics: An Analytical Construct for Gaining Competitive Advantage

Chapter IV: Measuring Consumer Attitudes towards Self-Service Technologies

Chapter V: Measuring Variability Factors in Customer Values, Technology Convergence and Profit Optimization in a Retailing Firm – A Framework for Analysis

Chapter VI: Decision Support Systems in Indian Organized Retail Sector

Chapter VII: Dynamics of Buyer-Supplier Co-dependency in Optimizing Functional Efficiency

Chapter VIII: Loyalty Cards in Retailing Industry: Technology Application in Customer Relations

Chapter IX: Internet, Reengineering and Technology Applications in Retailing

Chapter X: Performance Enhancement of Team Retailing through Six Sigma Applications

Chapter XI: Consumer Response to High Technology Mobile Phones in Emerging Markets

Chapter XII: Building Shopping Arousal through Direct Marketing in Retail Environment

Chapter XIII: Marketing Strategy, Technology and Modes of Entry in Global Retailing

Chapter XIV: Profit Impact on Marketing Strategy and Brand Management: Methodological Perspectives

Chapter XV: Technology and Retailing Firms: Challenges Ahead


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