31 July, 2009

Capital Markets of India: An Investor's Guide

Alan R. Kanuk, "Capital Markets of India: An Investor's Guide"
Wiley 2007 | ISBN-10: 0470137630 | 404 Pages | PDF | 1,7 MB

While China has taken center stage for global investors over the past decade, the majority of individuals and institutions alike have overlooked the opportunity to invest in a largely underappreciated, under-invested, dynamic, and reforming economy: India. Since the early 1990s, India's?government has promoted reforms that have created sustainable 7 1/2 to 8 percent annual growth, with no slow-down in sight. But while the investment world is now beginning to pay serious attention to India, the level of exposure to this market continues to be relatively minor, and the average investor's knowledge of India is minimal.

Capital Markets of India addresses the basics of becoming a new investor in the Indian markets, explaining how the market operates and how you can get involved. It provides the necessary information about Indian financial institutions, such as the stock exchanges and regulatory structure; the strength of these institutions; the safety and integrity of the market; and the trading and settlement process. The author explains the reforms that have taken place and the advantages that they bring to the market, while also outlining market risks.

This detailed guide not only offers basic information about how the markets in India work, but also provides the contacts and facts to help individuals with their own investing plan. It explains how to make investments in the market, the restrictions or requirements for foreigners investing in the domestic markets, and the exact procedures to follow to address these requirements.

Capital Markets of India also provides you with an overview of the products available in this market—including equity and derivative products as well as stocks underlying the various derivative products—along with descriptions of government and private debt markets and various general market and sector-specific indexes, together with their component companies. In addition, a set of useful appendixes provides names, descriptions, and Web site addresses of key market institutions; names, addresses, and phone numbers of important market participants; and many more valuable facts.

India presents a compelling investment opportunity to the savvy investor. Capital Markets of India shows both individual and institutional investors how to take full advantage of it.


Unix and Linux: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition

Deborah S. Ray, Eric J. Ray, "Unix and Linux: Visual QuickStart Guide, 4th Edition"
Peachpit Press; 4 ed | 2009 | ISBN: 0321636783 | 408 pages | PDF | 2,9 MB

With Unix, 4th Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start from the beginning to get a tour of the Unix operating system, or look up specific tasks to learn just what they need to know. This task-based, visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, and includes three years worth of new material based on the latest Unix developments. This reference guide details all Unix commands and options along with tips that put those commands in context. Leading Unix authorities Deborah S. Ray and Eric J. Ray leverage their expertise as technical writers and working in the industry (Sun Microsystems) as they take readers step-by-step through the most common Unix commands and options.


Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques

Alexander S Nicholas, Evan A Nicholas, "Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques"
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008 | ISBN-10: 0781763711 | 528 Pages | PDF | 80,4 MB

Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques is the only comprehensive full-color atlas of osteopathic manipulative techniques currently available. Richly illustrated with over 1,300 full-color photographs professionally shot for this atlas, this comprehensive, practical reference provides step-by-step instructions for 368 osteopathic manipulative techniques. Primary and secondary indications, relative and absolute contraindications, and general considerations are also discussed in well-organized textual sections preceding each technique. The fully searchable online text will be available on thePoint.


Joseph Davies, Windows Server 2008 TCP/IP Protocols and Services

Joseph Davies, "Windows Server 2008 TCP/IP Protocols and Services"
Microsoft Press | ISBN: 073562447X | January 19, 2008 | CHM | 14 MB

This in-depth technical reference delivers must-know information on TCP/IP for any IT professional working with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista operating systems. This comprehensive guide starts with the fundamentals, delivering coverage of TCP/IP protocols layer by layer to help build mastery of protocols and their implementation. It focuses on Internet layer protocols such as IP, ICMP, IGMP, and includes a preview of IPv6; transport layer protocols such as TCP and UDP; and application layer protocols such as DNS, DHCP, and WINS. Written by a leading TCP/IP author, plus peer reviews from experts on the Windows® Networking Team, this is the definitive guide to TCP/IP for Windows Server 2008.


Hacking Exposed, 6 Ed: Network Security SecretsAnd Solutions

Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz, "Hacking Exposed,6 Ed: Network Security SecretsAnd Solutions"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | 2009 | ISBN: 0071613749 | 720 pages | PDF | 7,8 MB

Meet the formidable demands of security in today's hyperconnected world with expert guidance from the world-renowned Hacking Exposed team. Following the time-tested "attack-countermeasure" philosophy, this 10th anniversary edition has been fully overhauled to cover the latest insidious weapons in the hacker's extensive arsenal.
New and updated material:
- New chapter on hacking hardware, including lock bumping, access card cloning, RFID hacks, USB U3 exploits, and Bluetooth device hijacking
- Updated Windows attacks and countermeasures, including new Vista and Server 2008 vulnerabilities and Metasploit exploits
- The latest UNIX Trojan and rootkit techniques and dangling pointer and input validation exploits
- New wireless and RFID security tools, including multilayered encryption and gateways
- All-new tracerouting and eavesdropping techniques used to target network hardware and Cisco devices
- Updated DoS, man-in-the-middle, DNS poisoning, and buffer overflow coverage
- VPN and VoIP exploits, including Google and TFTP tricks, SIP flooding, and IPsec hacking
- Fully updated chapters on hacking the Internet user, web hacking, and securing


Hacking Exposed Wireless: Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions

Johnny Cache, Vincent Liu, "Hacking Exposed Wireless: Wireless Security Secrets & Solutions"
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media | 2007 | ISBN: 0072262583 | 386 pages | CHM | 12,2 MB

Secure Your Wireless Networks the Hacking Exposed Way

Defend against the latest pervasive and devastating wireless attacks using the tactical security information contained in this comprehensive volume. Hacking Exposed Wireless reveals how hackers zero in on susceptible networks and peripherals, gain access, and execute debilitating attacks. Find out how to plug security holes in Wi-Fi/802.11 and Bluetooth systems and devices. You'll also learn how to launch wireless exploits from Metasploit, employ bulletproof authentication and encryption, and sidestep insecure wireless hotspots. The book includes vital details on new, previously unpublished attacks alongside real-world countermeasures.
Understand the concepts behind RF electronics, Wi-Fi/802.11, and Bluetooth
Find out how hackers use NetStumbler, WiSPY, Kismet, KisMAC, and AiroPeek to target vulnerable wireless networks
Defend against WEP key brute-force, aircrack, and traffic injection hacks
Crack WEP at new speeds using Field Programmable Gate Arrays or your spare PS3 CPU cycles
Prevent rogue AP and certificate authentication attacks
Perform packet injection from Linux
Launch DoS attacks using device driver-independent tools
Exploit wireless device drivers using the Metasploit 3.0 Framework
Identify and avoid malicious hotspots
Deploy WPA/802.11i authentication and encryption using PEAP, FreeRADIUS, and WPA pre-shared keys


Wireless Networks For Dummies

Barry D. Lewis, Peter T. Davis, Wireless Networks For Dummies
For Dummies | ISBN: 0764575252 | 2004 | PDF | 408 pages | 8.16 MB

Cut the wires and stay connected almost anywhere. Assess your network needs, set up security, and take your office on the road At last—liberation from that office full of electronic spaghetti is only a few pages away! This fun and friendly guide shows you how to plan and set up a wireless network for your business, install users, provide security, and keep your network healthy. Explore sites, enable roaming, dodge war drivers, and celebrate your freedom!


Styling Web Pages with CSS: Visual QuickProject Guide

Tom Negrino, Dori Smith, "Styling Web Pages with CSS: Visual QuickProject Guide"
Peachpit Press | 2009 | ISBN: 0321555570 | 144 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB

Sometimes it's hard to get started with a new technology. That's where this book excels. It's not going to show Web designers everything there is to know about CSS but rather will provide a solid introduction from which to build their CSS knowledge. The beginning of the book starts with the basics -- rules, selectors, classes, IDs, the cascade, internal and external style sheets, Divs, boxes, floats, padding, margins -- everything is covered. Next comes styling elements, working with images, menus and navigation, and moving styles from internal to external style sheets. Rounding out this project-based guide is working with browsers, both old and new, and debugging CSS. Succinct and to the point, it's the perfect book for designers without a lot of time who need to understand and start using CSS.


Developing Java Beans

Developing Java Beans (Java Series)
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc. | 1997-06-01 | ISBN 1565922891 | PDF | 312 pages | 1.22 MB

Java Beans is the most important development in Java this year. It gives Java developers the ability to work with sophisticated graphical development tools and to integrate Java software into projects using other component technologies, such as Microsoft's ActiveX. Developing Java Beans gives you a firm grounding in every aspect of the Java Beans component architecture. You'll learn how to create components that can be manipulated by tools like Borland's JBuilder or IBM's VisualAge for Java, enabling others to build entire applications by using and reusing these building blocks. Beyond the basics, Developing Java Beans teaches you how to create Beans that can be saved and restored properly; how to take advantage of introspection to provide more information about a Bean's capabilities; how to provide property editors and customizers that manipulate a Bean in sophisticated ways; and how to integrate Java Beans into ActiveX projects. If you're a Java developer, you'll want to take advantage of Java's component architecture. Developing Java Beans gives you a comprehensive introduction to this exciting new technology.

The book covers:

Events, event listeners, and adapters
Properties, indexed properties, bound properties, and vetoable property changes
Persistence, serialization, versioning, and object validation
Packaging Beans using JAR files
The BeanBox, a prototypical development tool
Reflection and introspection
Property editors and customizers
The ActiveX bridge; using Java Beans in Visual Basic programs


30 July, 2009

Mechanisms in Advanced Organic Chemistry

R. P. Narain, "Mechanisms in Advanced Organic Chemistry"
New Age International | 2009-08-07 | ISBN: 8122426476 | 334 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB

For a very long time the need was felt by graduate and postgraduate students of Chemistry of almost all colleges and of Indian Universities for a book dealing with advanced mechanistic organic chemistry written in understandable language and with suitable examples which can be easily grasped to make their concept clear. Besides students; this has also been the requirement of teachers teaching advanced mechanistic organic chemistry.; Till about 1959 there appears to be the only book by E.S. Gould (Structure and Mechanism of Organic Chemistry) but the examples mentioned in it are so difficult at several places that they elude the comprehension of even teachers; not to talk of students. Around sixties appeared the book by Jerry March (Advanced Organic Chemistry; Reactions; Mechanism and Structure). It was definitely a much better advance than that of Gould; but it has been made so bulky that its cost has become prohibitive. It adores the racks and shelves of libraries. In view of the above difficulties of teacher and students; the present book has been brought out.; Some of its special chapters are the Pericyclic Reactions; which includes Cheletropic; Electrocyclic; sigmatropic and cycloaddition reactions. The concept of stereochemistry and conformation deserve special attention not because they cater to the needs of higher students; but they are immensely useful for candidates trying for UGC and CSIR sponsored competitive examinations; but also those preparing for Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commission Exams. The candidates will find the chapters immensely useful and is sure to rouse interest in them in knowing more about mechanistic chemistry.; Spectroscopy is another topic; a good knowledge of which is expected from any good chemist. The spectroscopy finds immense applications in the identification of several unknown compounds in the field of research and medicine. Here one has to be very careful in elucidating the correct structure of entities. Moreover; in every examination (Competitive or regular) one has to show his skill in the area of spectroscopy and therefore chapters on spectroscopy giving a clear and lucid account is also noteworthy.


Information Communication Technology And Economic Development: Learning from the Indian Experience

Information Communication Technology And Economic Development: Learning from the Indian Experience
Edward Elgar Publishing | February 28, 2006 | ISBN-10: 1845421752 | 235 pages | 725kb

India has become a highly visible participant in the information communication technology (ICT) industry. Since the 1990s, it has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world, emerging as the most watched test of global capitalism. The contributors to this volume examine how the ICT-driven development of India appears to have skipped the middle stages of the traditional economic development models and leapfrogged directly to the final stage whereby growth is mostly technologically driven.


Environmental Engineering

Anil K. De, Arnab Kumar De, "Environmental Engineering"
New Age International | 2009-08-07 | ISBN: 8122426514 | 204 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB

This book is suitably designed for Polytechnic students of N-E; region in particular and in general for students all over India with the intention of fulfilling the mission of promoting environmental education and culture; as well serves as a textbook for full time courses in the educational institutions. The book introduces the basic concepts of environment; its physical features and human intervention factors in environment and also explains its various dimensions-ecology; air; water; soil and radioactive pollution; public health; resource conservation and management; environmental policies; etc.; Highlights of the book:; Exposure to basic concepts of environment in multidimensional aspects.; Subject matter is presented in a simple and lucid style throughout the book with less stress on technical bias.; Glossary of key terms (Appendix) is included for better comprehension.; Feedback exercises are included as a chapter to reinforce the understanding of the subject.


Raman and His Effect

G. Venkataraman, "Raman and His Effect".
Publisher: Sangam Books Ltd | ISBN: 8173710082 | 1995 edition | djvu | 114 Pages | 1.12 MB

This book and others in this series written by me are inspired by the memory of my son Suresh who left this world soon after completing school. Suresh and I often used to discuss physics. It was then that I introduced him to the celebrated Feynman Lectures. Hans Bethe has described Feynman as the most original scientist of this century. To that perhaps may be added the statement that Feynman was also the most scintillating teacher of physics in this century.The Feynman Lectures are great but they are at the textbook level and meant for serious reading. Moreover, they are a bit expensive, at least for the average Indian student. It seemed to me that there was scope for small books on diverse topics in physics which would stimulate interest, making at least some of our young students take up later a serious study of physics and reach for the Feynman as well as the Landau classics.Small books inevitably remind me of Gamow's famous volumes. They were wonderful, and stimulated me to no small extent. Times have changed, physics has grown and we clearly need other books, though written in the sanje spirit.


Indian Sweets, Raksha Bandhan Special Recipes

Samsung Contributors, "Indian Sweets, Raksha Bandhan Special Recipes"
Samsung | 2004 | ISBN: R20090715A | 42 pages | PDF | 1,1 MB

A celebration of the bonds between a brother and sister, the family holiday of Raksha Bandhan (Rakhi) is observed in most Indian communities around the world.

In India and many Indian communities, anyone close to you who does not have a sister or brother of their own may be honored as brothers and sisters on this day.

The highlight of the observance is when a sister ties the rakhi, a silk string, around her brother's wrist. More elaborate modern versions may be gold or intricately woven strands of silk, but the traditional rakhi given to brothers on Raksha Bandhan is a single strand of silk that symbolizes the bond. The silk is delicate...almost invisible, but extremely strong. The brother usually gives a gift in return -- sometimes sweets, but very often a generous gift of money to help his sister through the year!


The Breakthrough

G. Venkataraman, "The Breakthrough (Vignettes in Physics)".
Publisher: Sangam Books Ltd | ISBN: 0863114520 | 1994 edition | djvu | 198 Pages | 1.59 MB

This book and others in; this series written! by me ase mspired by the memory of my son, Suresh who left this; world soon after completing school. Suresh and I often used to discuss^ physics, It was then that I introduced him to the celebrated Feynman Lectures. Hans Bethe has; described Feynman as the most original scientist of this century. To that perhaps may fee added; the statement that Feynman was also the most scintillating teacher of physics this century.The Feynman Lectures, are great but they are at the textbook level and meant for serious reading; Moreover, they are a bit expensive, at least for the1 average Indian* student. It seemed to. me that there was scope for small: books on; diverse topics in physics which would stimulate interest, making at least some of our young: students take up later a serious study of physics and reach for the Feynman. as. well; as the Landau classics.


Biomedical Signal Analysis: A Case-Study Approach

Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, "Biomedical Signal Analysis: A Case-Study Approach"
Wiley-IEEE Press | 2001 | ISBN: 0471208116 | 552 pages | PDF | 27 MB

An authoritative assessment of the problems and applications of biomedical signals, rooted in practical case studies
The development of techniques to analyze biomedical signals, such as electro-cardiograms, has dramatically affected countless lives by making possible improved noninvasive diagnosis, online monitoring of critically ill patients, and rehabilitation and sensory aids for the handicapped. Rangaraj Rangayyan supplies a practical, hands-on field guide to this constantly evolving technology in Biomedical Signal Analysis, focusing on the diagnostic challenges that medical professionals continue to face. Dr. Rangayyan applies a problem-solving approach to his study. Each chapter begins with the statement of a different biomedical signal problem, followed by a selection of real-life case studies and the associated signals. Signal processing, modeling, or analysis techniques are then presented, starting with relatively simple "textbook" methods, followed by more sophisticated research approaches. The chapter concludes with one or more application solutions; illustrations of real-life biomedical signals and their derivatives are included throughout. Among the topics addressed are:
* Concurrent, coupled, and correlated processes
* Filtering for removal of artifacts
* Event detection and characterization
* Frequency-domain characterization
* Modeling biomedical systems
* Analysis of nonstationary signals
* Pattern classification and diagnostic decision
The chapters also present a number of laboratory exercises, study questions, and problems to facilitate preparation for class examinations and practical applications. Biomedical Signal Analysis provides a definitive resource for upper-level under-graduate and graduate engineering students, as well as for practicing engineers, computer scientists, information technologists, medical physicists, and data processing specialists.


David Stephenson - Pipeline Design for Water Engineers

David Stephenson - Pipeline Design for Water Engineers
Elsevier Science | 1981 | ISBN: 0444419918 | Pages: 244 | PDF | 7.36 MB

"... the book is at its best in the design and analysis sections and could stand on these alone as a well-stocked handbook with copious references for further study," commented the Journal of the National Water Council after publication of an earlier edition of Pipeline Design for Water Engineers.

This classic monograph has been revised and updated to take account of new developments in the field. Recent research in cavitation and flow control has prompted additional sections to be added. There are also new sections on supports to exposed pipes and secondary stress. Additional references and a new layout make up this edition. Some sections appearing in previous editions, noteably on pipe network systems analysis and optimization have been ommitted as they were considered more appropriate in the author's parallel book ``Pipeflow Analysis'' (Developments in Water Science, 19).


Roaming in Wireless Networks

Roaming in Wireless Networks (Communications Engineering)
McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition | ISBN: 0071455051 | 324 pages | September 28, 2005 | PDF | 1 Mb

A cell phone’s roaming feature allows the user to get service when traveling beyond the boundaries of his/her service provider. Wireless service providers make approximately 30% of their operating profit from roaming. But despite being a major source of income, roaming suffers from a number of technological problems in the handoff between networks. Signal strength is wildly variable, calls are frequently dropped, and quality of service is poor. Based upon training courses the author teaches at Agilent and Hewlett-Packard, this is the first book to give communications engineers the know-how to faultlessly design and manage roaming services.


Gsm and Personal Communications Handbook

Gsm and Personal Communications Handbook (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)
Artech House Publishers | ISBN: 0890069573 | 526 pages | May 1998 | PDF | 2 Mb

Here is the most comprehensive reference available on GSM applications and services that?s intended to build on -- not replace -- the basic technical information in the authors? original bestseller, An Introduction to GSM. The book provides a close-up look at this hot technology, offers in-depth discussions of the features and services available through GSM, and includes new and more in-depth coverage of applications and implementations of the GSM standard. It also explains how GSM has succeeded in becoming the major digital wireless standard -- and addresses both past and future standardization, regulation, and development issues. The book uses non-technical language and unique technical implementation and performance figures to: show how intelligent mobile networks function -- and what benefits they provide to users, compare PCS to GSM and other competing digital radio systems, examine the technology and techniques used in PCS handsets. The book is an up-to-date, single-source guide for engineers, technical managers, and consultants at communications manufacturing and network operating sites who need a technical background on services, features, and implementation -- or information on the adoption of GSM and competitive technologies. It is also a valuable source for marketing and sales professionals, university lecturers, and post-graduate students who need to acquire background knowledge of GSM technology or services.


GSM Networks: Protocols, Terminology and Implementation

GSM Networks: Protocols, Terminology and Implementation
(Artech House Mobile Communications Library.)
Artech House Publishers | ISBN: 0890064717 | 432 pages | December 31, 1998 | PDF | 5 Mb

a comprehensive guide to the GSM network...shows how to analyze & solve network problems & presents all the interfaces between the GSM subsystems...extensive glossary explains common terms, abbreviations, counters & messages.


29 July, 2009

Starting Struts 2

Ian Roughley, "Starting Struts 2"
InfoQ | 2007 | ISBN: 1430320338 | 111 pages | PDF | 1,2 MB

Struts2 is the latest manifestation of the popular Struts Java web application framework. Like its predecessor, its goals are to make web application development faster, easier and more productive than ever before.

Despite new languages and new techniques, the action-base MVC framework is still a viable and effective option for modern web application development. Within this book you will find everything you need to get up and running using Struts2 – from the architecture and configuration, to implementing actions and the supporting infrastructure such as validation and internationalization. Above all else, it focuses on the practical – with plenty of code and productivity tips to get you started using Struts2 today.

This book covers:

* The Struts2 architecture
* Configuration details
* Productivity tips for your current project
* Coverage of popular plug-ins
* Integration with third party technologies


Dictionary Of Shakespeare Quotations

Jane Armstrong, "Dictionary Of Shakespeare Quotations"
Arden Shakespeare | 1999 | ISBN: 1903436680 | 408 pages | PDF | 6 MB

In this enjoyable addition to the renowned Arden Shakespeare series, approximately 3000 quotations, both familiar and little-known, are drawn from throughout Shakespeare’s work, both plays and poems. Quotations are selected for their intrinsic interest and organised by topic, as being both user-friendly and stimulating for the casual reader, with speaker and play reference, and with some annotation to give a context to the quotation.

Brief general introduction outlining the purpose and use of the volume
Shakespeare biography
Chronology of plays Selections from Arden glossary



Publisher: Global Media | ISBN: 8189940457 | edition 2008 | PDF | 274 pages | 2,23 mb

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Cosmetology
2. How to Become A Cosmetologist
3. How to Apply Foundation
4. Make Up for Eyes
5. Manicure
6. Pedicure
7. Hair
8. Care Tips for Lips
9. Skin and Make Up for Face
10. The Basic Tips for Make Up
11. Grooming Tips for Hands and Feet
12. Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary


Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 48 By Jean-Claude Kader

Advances in Botanical Research, Volume 48 By Jean-Claude Kader
Publisher: Academic Press | ISBN: 0123746000 | 2008-12-15 | PDF | 280 pages | 2.57 Mb

Edited by Jean-Claude Kader and Michel Delseny and supported by an international Editorial Board, Advances in Botanical Research publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in plant sciences. Currently in its 48th volume, the series features a wide range of reviews by recognized experts on all aspects of plant genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, physiology and ecology. This eclectic volume features six reviews on cutting-edge topics of interest to post-graduates and researchers alike.
* Multidisciplinary reviews written from a broad range of scientific perspectives
* For over 30 years, series has enjoyed a reputation for excellent
* Contributors internationally recognized authorities in their respective fields


Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology, Third Edition

Julius M. Cruse, Robert E. Lewis, "Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology, Third Edition"
CRC | 2009 | ISBN: 0849379873 | 816 pages | PDF | 46,6 MB

Designed for both immunologists and those scientists and students from other fields seeking a working understanding of immunology, this substantially revised and expanded new edition of the bestselling Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology strengthens its position as the leading general reference on the essential concepts of immunology. Written by two of the most respected scientists in the field, this edition features huge number of illustrations, while also adding additional computer-generated figures, line drawings, and photographs that illustrate critical aspects of immunology. The third edition also includes terms from various subspecialties, ranging from molecular immunology to transplantation.


TOEFL iBT: The Official ETS Study Guide to the New TOEFL

TOEFL iBT: The Official ETS Study Guide to the New TOEFL
McGraw-Hill | 2006 | ISBN: 007146297X | 373 pages | PDF | 52,9 MB

If you’re looking for the best, most trustworthy guide to the new TOEFL® iBT, you’ve found it! The Official Guide to the New TOEFL iBT is the one and only TOEFL guide specially created by ETS--the people who actually make the test. That's means it's your most reliable source for everything you need to know about new test. Only ETS can show you exactly what to expect on the new internet-based TOEFL test, tell you precisely how the test is scored--and give you hundreds of authentic test questions to study for practice! That's why this guide is your best choice for preparing for the new TOEFL test. It's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test--and help you get into the college or university of your choice!
No other TOEFL guide gives you:

* Everything you need to know about the new TOEFL® iBT, straight from the test-makers!
* Hundreds of authentic TOEFL iBT questions and essay topics - so you can study with the real thing
* Companion audio CD with authentic TOEFL listening passages and sample responses to Speaking questions
* In-depth descriptions of the multiple-choice Listening and Reading questions--with valuable tips for answering them
* Detailed information about the Speaking and Writing sections, with scoring information, real student responses - and actual raters' comments
* PLUS: Writer's Handbook for English Language Learners--to help you learn how to write essays in English


IT Financial Management

Maxime Sottini, "IT Financial Management"
Van Haren Publishing | 2009 | ISBN: 9087535015 | 230 pages | PDF | 1,9 MB

It is now accepted that IT functions are a fundamental part of the competitive business model. Instead of simply offering services IT must create value for the business. This practical title describes the strong financial skills that IT managers must have in order to support:

*Operations: Finance departments rely heavily on IT managers being able to identify, track and measure costs sometimes at a very granular level

*Budgeting: the very technical nature of IT operations means that budgeting can be more complex than many other areas

*Project Delivery: large technical project deliveries means that costs can be correspondingly complex to account for

*Business Modeling; pricing models rely heavily on IT managers skills and accuracy. Where one service supports many commercial offerings a strong model is needed to apportion costs appropriately

*Investment and business cases: a sound understanding of the financial contribution the IT assets make to the overall business is critical to gain support for ongoing investment

This outstanding title covers the main financial concepts that managers need to be familiar with in order for IT to take its proper senior place as a contributor to the business. It assumes a basic level of financial understanding and builds on the techniques required almost daily; therefore it is overwhelmingly practical and based on real world scenarios. Not only are the techniques fully described but issues such as roles, implementation, daily management and even tooling are detailed.


Carolyn Costin - 100 Q&A About Eating Disorders (100 Questions & Answers about)

Carolyn Costin - 100 Q&A About Eating Disorders (100 Questions & Answers about)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 2007 | ISBN: 0763745006 | Pages: 221 | PDF | 1.05 MB

Approximately 3 percent of all females suffer from anorexia and up to 4 percent suffer from bulimia in their lifetimes. Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient with an eating disorder, or are a friend or relative of someone suffering from an eating disorder, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor's and patient's views, 100 Questions & Answers About Eating Disorders gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions. Written by an expert on the subject, with "insider" commentary from actual patients, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone struggling with the medical, psychological, or emotional turmoil of this condition.


Charles Herrick - 100 Q&A About Alcoholism & Drug Addiction

Charles Herrick - 100 Q&A About Alcoholism & Drug Addiction (100 Questions & Answers about)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 2007 | ISBN: 0763739189 | Pages: 290 | PDF | 1.22 MB

Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient, a friend or relative, this book offers help. The only volume available to provide both the doctor's and patient's views, 100 Questions & Answers About Alcoholism gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions about treatment options, advice on coping with the disease, sources of support, and much more. Written by a prominent psychiatrist, with actual patient commentary, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the medical, psychological, and emotional turmoil of alcoholism.


Andra H. James - 100 Q&A About Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

Andra H. James - 100 Q&A About Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism (100 Questions & Answers about)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 2007 | ISBN: 0763741051 | Pages: 160 | PDF | 1.84 MB

Nearly two million Americans are affected annually by deep vein thrombosis. Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient, or a loved one of someone suffering from this disease, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor's and patient's views, 100 Questions & Answers About Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions. Written by two prominent physicians , Drs. James and Ortel, with "insider" advice from actual patients, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this condition.


Stephen Fabry - 100 Q&A About Hepatitis C: A Lahey Clinic Guide

Stephen Fabry - 100 Q&A About Hepatitis C: A Lahey Clinic Guide (100 Questions & Answers about)
Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 2007 | ISBN: 0763740772 | Pages: 180 | PDF | 1.01 MB

There are approximately 2.5 million cases of Hepatitis C in the United States and approximately 200 million worldwide. Whether you're a newly diagnosed patient, a friend or relative of someone with Hepatitis C, this book offers help. Written by two physicians from Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Dr. Fabry and Dr. Narasimhan, this book provides authoritative, practical answers to the most common questions about Hepatitis C.


Secure Coding in C and C++

Robert C. Seacord, "Secure Coding in C and C++"
Addison-Wesley Professional | 2005-09-19 | ISBN: 0321335724 | 368 pages | CHM | 3 MB

"The security of information systems has not improved at a rate consistent with the growth and sophistication of the attacks being made against them. To address this problem, we must improve the underlying strategies and techniques used to create our systems. Specifically, we must build security in from the start, rather than append it as an afterthought. That's the point of Secure Coding in C and C++. In careful detail, this book shows software developers how to build high-quality systems that are less vulnerable to costly and even catastrophic attack. It's a book that every developer should read before the start of any serious project." --Frank Abagnale, author, lecturer, and leading consultant on fraud prevention and secure documents Learn the Root Causes of Software Vulnerabilities and How to Avoid Them Commonly exploited software vulnerabilities are usually caused by avoidable software defects. Having analyzed nearly 18,000 vulnerability reports over the past ten years, the CERT/Coordination Center (CERT/CC) has determined that a relatively small number of root causes account for most of them. This book identifies and explains these causes and shows the steps that can be taken to prevent exploitation. Moreover, this book encourages programmers to adopt security best practices and develop a security mindset that can help protect software from tomorrow's attacks, not just today's. Drawing on the CERT/CC's reports and conclusions, Robert Seacord systematically identifies the program errors most likely to lead to security breaches, shows how they can be exploited, reviews the potential consequences, and presents secure alternatives. Coverage includes technical detail on how to
*Improve the overall security of any C/C++ application
*Thwart buffer overflows and stack-smashing attacks that exploit insecure string manipulation logic
*Avoid vulnerabilities and security flaws resulting from the incorrect use of dynamic memory management functions
*Eliminate integer-related problems: integer overflows, sign errors, and truncation errors
*Correctly use formatted output functions without introducing format-string vulnerabilities
*Avoid I/O vulnerabilities, including race conditions Secure Coding in C and C++ presents hundreds of examples of secure code, insecure code, and exploits, implemented for Windows and Linux. If you're responsible for creating secure C or C++ software--or for keeping it safe--no other book offers you this much detailed, expert assistance.


28 July, 2009

Claudia S. Plotte - 100 Questions and Answers About Asthma

Claudia S. Plotte - 100 Questions and Answers About Asthma
Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 2004 | ISBN: 0763747939 | Pages: 230 | PDF | 1.05 MB

If you suffer from asthma, or have a friend or relative who does, this book offers help. The only book to provide the doctor’s and patient’s view, 100 Questions & Answers About Asthma gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions about treatment options, coping strategies -- for both patient and family, sources of support, and much more. Written by a world-class asthma expert and featuring "insider’s" advice from an actual patient, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil of this debilitating disease.


Oracle Performance Tuning for 10gR2, Second Edition

Gavin JT Powell, Oracle Performance Tuning for 10gR2, Second Edition
Digital Press | ISBN: 1555583458 | 2006 | PDF | 960 pages | 19.03 MB

Fully updated for version 10gR2 and provides all necessary transition material from version 9i. Includes all three aspects of Oracle database tuning: data model tuning, SQL & PL/SQL code tuning, physical plus configuration tuning. Contains experienced guidance and real-world examples using large datasets Emphasizes development as opposed to operating system perspective.


Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g

Gavin JT Powell, Oracle High Performance Tuning for 9i and 10g
Digital Press | ISBN: 1555583059 | 2003 | CHM | 544 pages | 10.54 MB

Master the three parts of tuning an Oracle database: data modeling, SQL code tuning and physical database configuration. A data model contains tables and relationships between tables. Tuning a data model involves nNormalization and dDe-normalization. Different approaches are required depending on the application, such as OLTP or a Data Warehouse. Inappropriate database design can make SQL code impossible to tune. Poor data modeling can have a most profound effect on database performance since all SQL code is constructed from the data model. Poorly written SQL code is often a culprit in performance problems and is expensive to rectify. However, tuning of SQL code is generally cheaper than changing the data model. SQL code tend to be contained inside independent blocks within applications or stored procedures.


Oracle 10g Data Warehousing

Lilian Hobbs, Oracle 10g Data Warehousing
Digital Press | ISBN: 1555583229 | 2004 | PDF | 872 pages | 18.11 MB

Oracle 10g Data Warehousing is a guide to using the Data Warehouse features in the latest version of Oracle Oracle Database 10g. Written by people on the Oracle development team that designed and implemented the code and by people with industry experience implementing warehouses using Oracle technology, this thoroughly updated and extended edition provides an insiders view of how the Oracle Database 10g software is best used for your application.


Oracle 10g RAC Grid, Services & Clustering

Murali Vallath, Oracle 10g RAC Grid, Services & Clustering
Digital Press | ISBN: 1555583210 | 2006 | PDF | 704 pages | 15.44 MB

Oracle RAC and grid technology is transforming the economics of high-end database computing and is a technology that all Oracle professionals should become familiar with. Murali is one of the worlds foremost independent experts on Oracle RAC technology and his book contains everything you need to become proficient in both the theory and practice of Real Application Clusters. If you are planning a RAC implementation, looking to optimize an existing RAC implementation or simply want to become more familiar with this important technology, you should read this book. - Guy Harrison: Chief Architect Database Solutions, Quest Software.


Oracle VM Manager 2.1.2

Tarry Singh, "Oracle VM Manager 2.1.2"
Packt Publishing | 2009-08-05 | ISBN: 1847197124 | 300 pages | PDF | 7,4 MB

Manage a Flexible and Elastic Data Center with Oracle VM Manager

# Learn quickly to install Oracle VM Manager and Oracle VM Servers
# Learn to manage your Virtual Data Center using Oracle VM Manager
# Import VMs from the Web, template, repositories, and other VM formats such as VMware
# Learn powerful Xen Hypervisor utilities such as xm, xentop, and virsh
# A practical hands-on book with step-by-step instructions

In DetailVirtualization is taking the technology world by storm and dramatically helping organizations save money. Oracle VM is free and forked from the open source Xen hypervisor, which brings down your upfront costs for an agile data center. The robust capabilities and easy-to-use web interface of Oracle VM Manager helps administrators manage their Internal Data Center from anywhere in the world, helping us come closer to ubiquitous computing.

This practical book will give you hands-on experience on how to manage your Virtual Machines using Oracle VM Manager. Equipped with step-by-step installation and management information you will not only learn to manage your Virtual Data Center but also will include this guide among the books you consider most essential.

This book will take you into the various methods of importing Virtual Machines. You will learn to import VMs through HTTP/FTP, Repository servers, and even import other VM formats such as VMware VMs. You will also learn about the Xen utilities such as xm, xentop, and virsh. You will learn to manage your VMs through the simple and intuitive web interface of Oracle VM Manager. No matter how compact it may seem, this book covers all the essentials while keeping your learning experience to the point. The book has been deliberately written in a conversational manner so that you feel at home while learning Oracle VM Manager.

What you will learn from this book?

# Understand virtualization and learn to install Oracle VM Server
# Install/Upgrade Oracle VM Manager
# Manage VMs using Oracle VM Manager
# Secure Oracle VM Manager
# Learn Xen utilities such as xm, xentop, and virsh
# Import VMs through HTTP/FTP, Repository, CD, and VMware VMs
# Import Templates through HTTP/FTP, Repository servers, VMware templates and more


Easy PHP Websites with the Zend Framework +(zfw_sourcecode & transcripts) 2009

Easy PHP Websites with the Zend Framework
W.J. Gilmore, LLC; First edition (May 9, 2009) | ISBN: 0615303889 | 313 pages | PDF | 13 MB

Combining over 300 pages of instruction with access to almost 5 hours of online video, Easy PHP Websites with the Zend Framework is the ultimate learning guide to building powerful websites with the world’s most popular Web development language.

Written by popular PHP author W. Jason Gilmore, you’ll master the Zend Framework by following along with the creation of a community website for video gamers. Among other topics, you’ll learn how to:

* Manage Web Forms: Create web forms, and validate user-provided data

* Send E-mails: Send unformatted and HTML e-mails through your website

* Create Community Features: Register users, manage logins, and recover forgotten passwords

* Extend Your Network: Integrate with popular online services such as Google Maps, Amazon Web Services, the Facebook Platform, and PayPal


Teach Yourself Ole Db and Ado in 21 Days

Teach Yourself Ole Db and Ado in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself) By John Fronckowiak
Publisher: Sams Publishing 1997-08 | 648 Pages | ISBN: 067231083X | PDF (OCR from html) | 6.7 MB

With Sams Teach Yourself OLE DB and ADO in 21 Days, you will learn how to build distributed Web-based database applications using today's latest technologies. Step-by-step tutorials and real-world examples show you how OLE DB enables programmers to access data in the most optimal manner possible. You will also learn how to implement ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), the object model for accessing data using the OLE DB interface. You'll then move on to build the server-side infrastructure necessary to support your applications using Advanced Data Connector (ADC) controls.

* Learn OLE DB and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
* Utilize ADO and OLE DB for deploying distributed database applications
* Discover how ADO and OLE DB work with new technologies such as ADC, Visual InterDev, Transaction Server and ActiveX Server Pages
* Includes author's source code and useful third-party products.


27 July, 2009

LINQ Quickly

LINQ Quickly
Packt Publishing | 2007-11-24 | ISBN: 1847192548 | 252 pages | PDF | 4 MB

This book gets you started with LINQ and shows how it will make your programming life easier by making use of new features from the .NET Framework 3.0. This book is split into seven chapters, each of which is dedicated to presenting a feature of LINQ and its usage in real-life scenarios. Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is a new feature in Visual Studio 2008 that extends its query capabilities, using C# and Visual Basic. Visual Studio 2008 comes with LINQ provider assemblies that enable the use of LINQ with data sources such as in-memory collections, SQL relational databases, ADO.NET Datasets, XML documents, etc. In Visual Studio 2008, Visual C# and Visual Basic are the languages that implement the LINQ language extensions. LINQ language extensions use the new standard query operators API, which is the query language for any collection that implements IEnumerable.


Windows via C/C++

Windows via C/C++ (Pro - Developer) by Jeffrey Richter, Christophe Nasarre
Publisher: Microsoft Press | Number Of Pages: 900 | Publication Date: 2007-12-12 | ISBN-10: 0735624240 | CHM | 3 Mb

Get the preeminent guide to programming application for Windows with C++. Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows is a classic book (formerly titled Advanced Windows, Third Edition) and is now fully updated for Windows Vista, including the latest information about Windows XP. In-depth and comprehensive, this essential reference covers the Windows operating system and how to program at the API level. Recognized experts provide an inside view of how Windows works and how to use its features in Visual C++ development tasks. Topics covered include processes, thread pooling, virtual memory, DLLs, file I/O, and message crackers. For systems-level programmers, this is a must-have title. Includes code samples in Visual C++.


Forensic Computer Crime Investigation

Thomas A. Johnson, Forensic Computer Crime Investigation
CRC Press | ISBN: 0824724356 | 2005 | PDF | 336 pages | 2.69 MB

The Digital Age offers many far-reaching opportunities - opportunities that allow for fast global communications, efficient business transactions…and stealthily executed cyber crimes. Featuring contributions from digital forensic experts, the editor of Forensic Computer Crime Investigation presents a vital resource that outlines the latest strategies law enforcement officials can leverage against the perpetrators of cyber crimes. From describing the fundamentals of computer crimes and the scenes left in their wake to detailing how to build an effective forensic investigative force, this book is an essential guide on how to beat cyber criminals at their own game. It takes you into the minds of computer criminals, noting universal characteristics and behaviors; it discusses strategies and techniques common to successful investigations; and it reveals how to overcome challenges that may arise when securing digital forensic evidence. For those intent on making sure that no one is a potential victim, there is a chapter devoted to investigating Internet crimes against children.


26 July, 2009

Advanced C: Tips and Techniques

Advanced C: Tips and Techniques
Financial Times Prentice Hall | May 1988 | ISBN-10: 067248417X | 446 pages | PDF | 14.05mb

This detailed work looks at the portability, execution efficiency and programming application techniques of the Advanced C language. Examples are given of how Advanced C applications can be moved form system to system.


Packet Switching And X.25 Networks

Simon Poulton, Packet Switching And X.25 Networks
CRC Press | ISBN: 027302986X | 1989 | PDF | 240 pages | 1.39 MB

When computers started to become business tools and to assume an essential role in all companies, they were very large both physically and in terms of capital and revenue cost. Indeed, when erecting a new building the company would have to design features especially for the computer. A big room to house it, separate power supplies, large air-conditioning plants, and hoisting gear to lift the bits of computer off a lorry into the computer room.


Photoshop Elements 2: Zero to Hero

Photoshop Elements 2: Zero to Hero
Wrox | December 26, 2002 | ISBN-10: 0764543806 | 288 pages | PDF | 26.0mb

You have the creativity. We can unlock it.
From absolute beginner to Photoshop Elements master - come with us on a journey from Zero to Hero.
Starting with the basics, this book gets you up and running in Photoshop quicker than you thought possible. "Chapter Zero" shows you around the program, so you can skip ahead and produce the results you really want. Fast.
Zero to Hero doesn't stop there. We also devote space to four Photoshop heroes who share their skills and creativity. Within these pages, you'll find easy-to-follow, fully illustrated solutions to all the common, and not-so-common, problems that photographs present.
In the 96-page, full-color section at the back of the book, the heroes reveal their projects in depth, sharing tips and tricks on the whole creative cycle, from shooting your photos right through to the finished article.
Packed with added insight, and backed up by free technical support, this book will give you the knowledge, and the inspiration, to be a Photoshop Elements 2 hero.


Joanna Martine Woolfolk - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need

Joanna Martine Woolfolk - The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
Taylor Trade Publishing | 2008 | ISBN: 1589793773 | Pages: 534 | PDF | 6.11 MB

Everyone's favorite astrology book, having sold over 500,000 copies, includes an interactive CD-ROM and a new redesign for 2008! This edition of The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need still includes detailed information about how to cast your own chart the old-fashioned way and more importantly, how to interpret it once you're finished. Find your place is the cosmos and determine the strengths and weaknesses of each Zodiac sign, and use the CD-ROM to cast your chart in minutes. Once your personalized astrological report is created, you will be directed to the corresponding pages in the book to read further about moon and sun signs, ascending signs, placement of the planets in their houses, and more.


Win32 System Services: Heart of Windows 2000 and 98 by Marshall Brain and Ronald D. Reeves

Win32 System Services: Heart of Windows 2000 and 98 (Prentice Hall Series on Microsoft Technologies) by Marshall Brain and Ronald D. Reeves
Publisher: Prentice Hall | 3 edition (12 Dec 2000) | ISBN: 0130225576 | Pages: 720 | PDF | 1.81 MB

Fully updated to reflect Win32 enhancements in Windows 2000 and Windows 98, Marshall Brain's classic guide remains the most effective way for developers to master Win32 services in real-world application development. Brain introduces Win32 files, directory and drive structure, NT processes and threads, synchronization mechanisms, network communications, Remote Procedure Calls, NT services, NT security, consoles, communications ports, accessing system information, and using DLLs to modularize programs. Each self-contained chapter covers a different API service, with functions demonstrated clearly in code examples. Brain also shows how multiple services can be integrated to create larger, more sophisticated applications.

* The Win32 best-seller, fully updated for Windows 2000 and Windows 98!
* Master every key Win32 system service
* Processes, threads, synchronization, and much more
* Includes extensive coverage of network programming
* The #1 guide to Win32 system services, totally updated!
* Includes hundreds of proven code examples —
* Comprehensive coverage of RPCs and other network programming topics
* Processes, threads, and synchronization — in depth
* Expert techniques for effective large-scale development
* Leveraging Windows 2000's security capabilities


Neurology Study Guide Oral Board Examination Review

Neurology Study Guide Oral Board Examination Review
Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 0387955658 | 2005 | PDF | 243 pages | 1.43 Mb

This is the book for everyone seeking board certification and recertification in neurology. Written to assist candidates prepare for Part Two - the Oral Exam, Neurology Study Guide: Oral Board Examination Review is the only book of its kind designed specifically for neurologists. Topics ranging from live patient examination to stroke, headache, Parkinsons disease, head trauma, sleep disorders and other conditions will be presented as adult and pediatric vignettes. Also included are special sections on references and review materials and proper exam etiquette. Whether you are a resident seeking certification for the first time, retaking the exam or are a practicing physician preparing for recertification, the Neurology Study Guide is an indispensible tool.
